Q&A with Our Instagram Followers
Thank you to everyone who asked a question on our recent Instagram Q&A, here are the answers....
Free Pregnancy Support – Find out more
Thank you to everyone who asked a question on our recent Instagram Q&A, here are the answers....
Just as the film started Em said that baby was moving a lot! I put my hand on her stomach and felt the biggest kick! This was the first time I had felt him and was quite a special moment.
24 weeks......seriously how did we get to 24 weeks?! The past month since our 20 week scan has absolutely flown by.
Bonding with a baby can be quite hard to do when you’ve never seen them before- even for mums carrying their baby.
It was around the 19 week mark that I started wondering when Em would feel him moving. I didn’t want to ask constantly as I knew she would tell me when she did feel anything but I was kind of...
I didn’t tell Jack where we were going until we were on our way to the scan! He was pretty shocked but knows I’m impatient so actually wasn’t surprised!