The Benefits of a Baby Moon
This one is for the birth partners! When we hear the word baby moon, we often imagine exotic mini breaks which are generally not affordable by most, especially when we’ve already spent so much in prep for baby’s arrival.
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This one is for the birth partners! When we hear the word baby moon, we often imagine exotic mini breaks which are generally not affordable by most, especially when we’ve already spent so much in prep for baby’s arrival.
One of the first things many parents say to me at the beginning of their hypnobirthing course is ‘I’m sorry, I’m just such a control freak!”. My answer to that is, it’s OK.
Skin to skin is something many of us know is a good thing to do, but do you know why? Here’s a mini guide to help you understand why close contact is so beneficial for both parent & baby.
I and many others write a lot about the things that parents can do when baby is born to help support their development and aid the bonding and breastfeeding process.
6 weeks of Leo! I’ve spent the past 6 years wishing it away, wishing for the pain and exhaustion to be over and now I’m desperate for time to go slow so he’s little forever!
Before you start reading this, we know that so many of you have been following this journey and cheering us on every step of the way. We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your positivity, love...