
Top Five Reasons Why All Dads Need Support Too!

Author and TV presenter Nigel Clarke says that when he had his first child, he didn't think he needed support as a dad. He knows a lot of men feel that way, but that couldn't be further from the truth!

We all need support

We all know that there is a plethora of support out there for mums, at any stage of parenting, but there is much less for dads. Dadvengers are changing that by creating a community and resources specifically aimed at supporting dads on their parenting journey.

Here are our top five reasons why all dads need support too:


To Help You Grow Confidence as a Parent

Starting out as a parent can be nerve wracking! And a lot of parents aren’t confident in what they’re doing. But, if you give it a quick google search, most of the support and advice out there is for mums. So where do dads go to gain confidence as a parent? Firstly, for expectant fathers we recommend looking at a New Dads Course, our four week online course is guaranteed to help you feel more confident as you start your parenting journey.


It Gives You a Community to Turn to When Dads Need Support

One of the most reassuring things to have as a parent, is a group of other parents who are going through the same thing. It’s an easy way to bounce ideas around, share resources and learn how to tackle parenting situations. Without a community you can easily get lost in a google hole, not knowing which way to turn or what will work for you.


Light Relief from Parenting Stress

Let’s face it, parenting can be stressful at times! Parenting is non-stop, and the stress can build up without us even realising it. But having a community to turn to who can help you see that the stress you’re feeling is not only normal, but it will be fleeting, makes parenting easier. As the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved. So while the massive poonami your child did while you were rushing out the door and running late might be stressful in the moment – sharing and laughing about it will help you and other dads feel less stressed when their time comes!


It Helps Support Dads Mental Health

Dads mental health is something that isn’t talked about enough in the parenting world. There is a great focus on mums mental health post baby, but a dads mental health is just as important. Creating spaces where dads can connect with other parents reduces the social
isolation they may feel with a new child. This in turn helps them create a network they can turn to if they feel they’re struggling with their mental health. It also helps men feel able to reach out for support if they need it. Let’s face it, a dad with healthy mental wellbeing is more able to be hands on, calm and fun. Which is what we all want, right?

Parenting has Changed and Dads are Becoming More Involved

In years gone by, a lot of dads were much less hands on than we are nowadays. Often a dad was used as the “wait until your dad gets home” threat when mum was overwhelmed, and they came in to be the disciplinarian and weren’t about bath time and bedtime stories. We know that the parenting world has changed. Men want to be hands on dads! They want to be more involved and we love it! The parenting world still has some space to grow and treat dads as the great, hands on parents they want to be…


Dadvengers are Here When Dads Need Support

If you’re a dad looking for support, we’ve got you covered! Whether you’re a new or expectant father looking for ways to prepare for your baby. Or a seasoned parent facing a new challenge, You can find loads of information and support on our website. From blog posts on topics from changing nappies, to great days out with your kids. To a podcast where you can listen to other dads talking about their experiences. Head over to Dadvengers to join a community supporting all dads through the parenting journey!


Author: Nigel Clarke

Nigel is a TV presenter well known for hosting ‘The Baby Club’ and ‘The Toddler Club’ on CBeebies. A father of 3 he is no stranger to parenting and provides parenting tips and advice on Instagram to the parenting community. Also a big believer in supporting dads to parent well Nigel founded Dadvengers. An amazing parenting network on a mission to support fatherhood with resources, information, a podcast and online course all geared towards changing the way we view and engage with fatherhood.

Already making waves in the parenting space, the community is growing fast and in just 3 years they have become one of the leading Fatherhood organisations in the country.

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