Breech Birth

OptiBreech Care for Breech Birthers

Optibreech care starts if your baby is breech after 36 weeks and continues through to your birth, whether you choose to try to turn your baby head-down, plan a vaginal breech birth or plan a caesarean abdominal birth.

Information shared from the OptiBreech Project website:


What is Optibreech care?

Optibreech care is a new care pathway. That means care starts when your baby has first been diagnosed as breech after 36 weeks and follows you through to your birth, whether you choose to try to turn your baby head-down, plan a vaginal breech birth or plan a caesarean section. The most important difference in this potential new care pathway is that care for vaginal breech births, for those who choose this, is delivered by a specific team, all of which have had extra training in breech birth.

If you choose to accept this care pathway, you will have the opportunity to discuss your options with an experienced specialist. They will offer you 3 options:

  1. Planning a vaginal breech birth with OptiBreech care in labour
  2. Trying to turn the baby head-down (external cephalic version, or ECV)
  3. Planning a caesarean section birth at 39 weeks

The choice of what to do is entirely yours.

To find out more about the project, please visit the OptiBreech website.

Click here to find your nearest OptiBreech project trust.

RCOG Breech baby at the end of pregnancy leaflet.


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