
Domestic Abuse – Seeking Support During Pregnancy

We are celebrating the PregnaHub® app launch by bringing you expert mind and body support for the pregnancy and postnatal stages. This article was kindly contributed by Judith Rees, Director of Operations at The For Baby’s Sake Trust.

Pregnancy can be a time of joy, yet for many parents, it is overshadowed by domestic abuse.
Domestic abuse during pregnancy is a significant concern, with serious impacts on both the parent experiencing abuse and their unborn baby. Here Judith shares what domestic abuse is, why it is prevalent during pregnancy, and where parents can find support.

What is Domestic Abuse?

Domestic abuse refers to a pattern of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading, and violent behaviour by a partner, ex-partner, family member, or carer.

It is important to recognise that domestic abuse is not limited to physical violence; it also includes emotional, psychological, financial, and sexual abuse. Coercive control has been a criminal offence since 2015, but many parents still don’t understand the impact on their emotional wellbeing due to the drip effect over time and fear of not being believed.

In the UK, the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 broadens the definition of domestic abuse to include babies and children being recognised as victims in their own right. The Act recognises that domestic abuse can be a single incident or a pattern of incidents and can occur in both intimate and family relationships.

Domestic abuse may have severe consequences, particularly during pregnancy. Understanding the signs of domestic abuse and its implications during pregnancy is essential for safeguarding both the parent and their baby.


Why is Domestic Abuse Such an Issue During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a time of vulnerability, both physically and emotionally. It is also a period when domestic abuse is alarmingly common. Research from The For Baby’s Sake Trust indicates that 40% of domestic abuse occurs within the first 1001 days of a baby’s life – from pregnancy until their second birthday. The stress, anxiety, and physical harm caused by domestic abuse can lead to serious complications.

One reason for the increased risk or escalation during pregnancy is the heightened emotions and stress that come with the anticipation of a new baby. Additionally, some parents who cause harm may feel threatened by the impending arrival of a baby with feelings of jealousy and envy.

The impact of domestic abuse during pregnancy is profound. Physical abuse can lead to injuries, resulting in preterm birth, low birth weight, and even stillbirth. Moreover, the stress and trauma associated with domestic abuse can have long-term effects on the child’s development, including cognitive, poor emotional regulation and skills to develop health relationships, as well as behavioural problems. Babies born into environments where they experience domestic abuse are at higher risk of being exposed to or experiencing abuse themselves.


Why Do Parents Feel Unable to Access Professional Support for Domestic Abuse?

Many parents who experience domestic abuse during pregnancy feel unable to seek professional support.

Data from The For Baby’s Sake Trust highlights that 40% of parents feel unable to seek help for domestic abuse, and only 10% do receive support during the first 1001 days of their baby’s life.

A significant barrier is the fear that their baby might be taken from their care. This fear is particularly acute for parents who have experienced social services intervention in the past or who are aware of the potential consequences of disclosing abuse.

Additionally, parents may feel ashamed or embarrassed to admit that they are being abused, particularly during pregnancy or that they will not be believed. The stigma surrounding domestic abuse can be a powerful deterrent to seeking help. Some parents may also be financially dependent on the person using abusive behaviour or feel isolated from friends and family.

There is also a widespread lack of awareness about what constitutes domestic abuse, particularly non-physical forms of abuse such as coercive control, financial abuse, tech abuse and stalking & harassment. Parents who experience these types of abuse may not recognise the behaviours as abusive.

Another critical factor is the co-parent causing harm may actively prevent their co-parent from accessing healthcare and  support services or always attending their appointments giving less opportunity for disclosure and further isolating them.


Where Can Parents Find Support for Domestic Abuse?

Despite the barriers, it is crucial for parents who experience domestic abuse, especially during pregnancy, to seek support. Several avenues are available for those who need help:

Healthcare Providers: Midwives, GPs, Health Visitors and other healthcare professionals are often the first point of contact for pregnant parents. They are trained to recognise the signs of domestic abuse and can provide a safe space for parents to disclose their experiences.

Charities and Helplines: Organisations like The For Baby’s Sake Trust offer specialised support for parents who experience domestic abuse during pregnancy. Other organisations, such as Women’s Aid, Refuge, The Men’s Advice Line and ManKind also offer helplines, safe accommodation and online resources.

Social Care: If domestic abuse is disclosed, they can help create a safety plan and provide resources to protect both the parent and baby.

Police: The police can offer protection and remove the parent using abusive behaviour from the home. They can also refer parents to domestic abuse services and applying for court orders for ongoing support and protection


Why is it Crucial to Seek Support?

Seeking support is not just about stopping the abuse—it’s about safeguarding the health and future of both co-parents and the baby by ensuring safe separation or support for both co-parents to ensure a healthier, safer environment for their baby.

Reach out now, and break free from the devastating cycle of domestic abuse.

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About the author:

Judith took up her role at For Baby’s Sake Trust in July 2015, having worked in the NHS for 33 years. While with the NHS Judith was a Staff Nurse, Midwife, Health Visitor, Practice Teacher, and Safeguarding Children’s Nurse and Team Leader for Health Visitors and School Nurses. She went on to set up the Family Nurse Partnership Team in Hertfordshire and was Supervisor for four years. Judith completed an MSc in Child Protection and Child Welfare.

Her dissertation was on producing an assessment tool for Health Visitors responding to police notifications of domestic abuse where there were children or an unborn baby in the family. Judith’s passion for early intervention and safeguarding in relation to domestic abuse and her training, supervision and safeguarding skills are being put to excellent use at The For Baby’s Sake Trust.


Trauma in infancy devastates lives. Left unresolved, it can lead to dysfunctional relationships, domestic abuse and more harm to children and families for generations.

The For Baby’s Sake Trust is a registered charity (1126459) focused on breaking cycles of domestic abuse, tackling the root causes and giving babies the best start in life. It does this through its flagship programme, For Baby’s Sake, which is the first to work holistically with both parents, starting in pregnancy, where there is domestic abuse.

The Trust amplifies its impact by also raising awareness and sharing its learning about the needs of parents and babies during the time when babies’ brains are developing, the impact of domestic abuse and trauma on families and how to break cycles of adversity and build resilience.

The For Baby’s Sake Trust (originally named the Stefanou Foundation) was set up philanthropically by Stelio Stefanou. His founding vision was to tackle the root causes of disadvantage and vulnerability, focusing on very young babies who do not have a voice.

Learn more here.


The programme adopts a unique three-way approach, with a specialist working with one parent, another working closely with the other, and both focusing on the overall wellbeing and development of the baby and any other children.

As a result, it deals with the entire cycle and history of domestic violence and abuse, identifying and directly addressing the trauma or traumas that lie at the heart of the problem. The end result is both parents play a positive role in raising their child, whether together or apart, turning one, two, three or even more lives around, and breaking the pernicious cycle caused by trauma in childhood.

Learn more here.


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We are celebrating the PregnaHub® app launch by bringing you expert mind and body support for the pregnancy and postnatal stages. This article was kindly contributed by Claire Hitchen, Prenatal BANT Registered Nutritionist and founder of Claire Hitchen Nutrition.

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