Freestanding midwife-led birth centres UK
With the midwife shortages impacting home birth availability around the UK, we are sharing another option for those who may prefer to be away from a hospital setting but still receive midwife-led care.
Free Pregnancy Support – Find out more
With the midwife shortages impacting home birth availability around the UK, we are sharing another option for those who may prefer to be away from a hospital setting but still receive midwife-led care.
This article aims to provide a detailed exploration of what free birth (also known as unassisted birth) is, whether it's legal in the UK, the associated risks, and recent statistics.
You might think that birthing at home might mean transforming your front room into a labour suite… but it really is much more straight forward than that. Here's what you need to prepare for a home birth.
Remifentanil can be offered as a continuous pain relieving alternative to an epidural during labour. Find out what it is and the key things you need to know about this pain-relieving drug.
Doing a poo is a really normal part of labour. Here's why it happens.
It's been widely reported in the media that gas and air, or Entonox, is not available in some hospitals. Here's what it is and why some hospitals are currently unable to provide it.